Sunday, June 23, 2019

The World is so Full of a Number of Things...

Today's the 49th birthday of Yann Tiersen, a composer and pianist from France. I continue to be mystified by most French music. Perhaps when we are in France this October, I can pester some French people about the enigmatic nature of their music.That's sure to help international relations, right?

I strive to link poems and music and historical events into a seamless related pleasing whole. In this instance, I think I failed. That's the reason for the title of this post, taken from "H. Allen Smith's Poor Almanac."

Consistent with the theme of there being no theme, here's an unrelated but still funny poem from Mr. Brautigan.

Attila at The Gates of The Telephone Company
They said that
my telephone
would be fixed
     by 6.
They guaranteed


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