Sunday, June 9, 2019

Guitars are us

It's the birthday of Les Paul (1915), who is credited with inventing the electric guitar.  It is not hyperbole to say that Mr. Paul's invention revolutionized music.  I remember watching Les Paul and Mary Ford sing and play on Perry Como's variety show.  It's a bit of a leap from there to Slash, but I for one am glad old Les tinkered around in his basement.

For some reason, my family is into guitars.  Our son Michael plays guitar quite well.  Nick, married to niece Louise, is a guitar player, builder, and repairer of some repute in North Carolina [follow this link to his shop: NC Guitar Works].  Nephew Jay builds and sells solid-body guitars [visit the JML Guitar site].  Brother-in-law Bill makes guitars and ukuleles.

As for me, I do not even know what a humbucker is.  If you have a few minutes to spare out of your hectic Sunday, you can watch some dude play a Les Paul:

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